Unlock the Power of Energy Healing with a Certification That Goes Beyond Traditional Methods

Becoming Majestic was born because 5 healers, mediums, shamans were outwitted by the dark in my home.

…and no amount of training, experience, or tools made a difference.

I didn’t happen on this work because I thought it was sexy, I would go as far as to say I was an agnostic. But seeing my child suffer and have no one be able to help me, got me quite desperate.

So desperate that I hired everyone under the sun, only to have them send me recordings of so-called healings, of their “conversations”.

All bollocks, nothing changed. 

It’s like sending an angel to earth and saying “Godspeed, stay away from McDonald’s and get a PhD in human-ology so one day, God will be proud”.

Diving into a world you know nothing about with tools created by man has proven to be a limited experience. That is why you might’ve started offering healing loops. There was a point of no return, a healing turned into another, and clients kept coming back, another thing to work on. You might never have questioned it until you reached a point where your work just couldn’t pass a block your client had. You might’ve made excuses and said it’s on the client, “You’ve done all you can” when in reality…healings should be…few and far in-between.

I know, shocking. I didn’t like that idea, it went against everything I was taught.

Honestly, the New Age is dead. We have to let it go. The New Earth Movement is here and can only be accessed through allyship.

A modality no one has heard of before.

A teaching no one else knows about.

A way of healing no one has received before.

It’s in you, you know it.

Do you feel like you’ve been practicing energy healing but not reaching your full potential? Many energy healers, lightworkers, and practitioners have been using outdated modalities that no longer serve the deeper, more advanced needs of New Earth. You know it, I know it. Self development and self help are…almost dead.

Becoming Majestic offers a revolutionary approach that helps you break free from those limitations (the old modalities have been used for 40 years!) and discover energy like you’ve never heard of before.

If you’ve been nodding your head (and it’s not because you’re listening to music) let’s see if this is you?

    •    You’ve studied various healing techniques, maybe even collected certifications, and you’re bored. You intuitively know your work goes so much deeper and none of the 3D titles have really felt…like YOU 

    •    You sense there are deeper layers to energy work, way more than what we have touched upon in the past years but you don’t have the tools to address them. 

  • You frequently do things in your client sessions you cannot explain. You know it’s different, you know it’s avant-garde but you don’t have the language for it yet and feel like it’s in it’s infancy stage.

    •    You feel there are unseen forces affecting your clients and your space, but you’re unsure how to clear them effectively. they either keep coming back or your clients become overly co-dependent. 

  • Your clientele needs to change but you have no ideas how to address it (this happens once your hidden or dormant modality/teaching is unlocked)

    •    You’re ready to elevate your energy work, move from the lower chakras to working with the upper chakras clearing things 9/10 healers weren’t able to before you! 

If any of this resonates, then Becoming Majestic was created specifically for you.

Where prior I had elaborate crystal extraction processes, touched clients, used a plethora of tools or connected directly to their luminous bodies - now I saw everything from afar. I took an observer state, convened with the most appropriate spiritual helper beings and did healings and clearings in record time. 

Every healing was on point, and clients did not come back for more. Co-dependency had been…erased. My clientele changed. My business quadrupled its income (and has continued to grow exponentially because of my Allyship. Where ego says no, Allyship says GO!)

About Heike

Heike is a world renown Spiritual Innovator & Advisor of the 21st Century. Her highly sought after Advanced Energy Healing and Clearing Techniques have blown up the Spiritual Industry. Long gone are the days where outdated tools and practices were used for mediocre results. Heike has replaced them with cutting edge techniques and allyship resulting in miracles as well as healings and clearings that do not bypass the light or the dark. Heike is a Pure Channel. One of the few, rare Prophetic Psychics that is breaking the pattern of outdated modalities and tools that are no longer part of the New Earth. She is the Founder of the #1 Energetic Mastery Certification in the World - Becoming Majestic™️ and Pure Divine Channel of The Healer Archetypes.



Sara Fieschi

“Connecting with my spirit guide team was the most magnificent thing that could have happened to me, and it only happened within the Becoming Majestic container. Heike’s support and guidance is like none other, and I feel so much more supported in the work I do with others because of this experience. I fostered a beautiful relationship with the elements around and within me during this program, and it’s truly life-changing on both a personal and professional level."


Crystal Morris

“Before joining Becoming Majestic, my energetic practice was non-existent. I was regularly getting psychic attacks, energy leaks, and attachments, but Heike taught me how to self-manage my energy, put protection in place, and not rely on others for basic energy hygiene. Becoming Majestic opened me up spiritually in ways I didn’t think possible. It has removed the veil of false mentors and helped me trust in divine timing, while empowering me to align my business with deeper spiritual work.”


Angie Rain

“For the first time in my life, I felt seen, heard, and held in a safe space. Heike walked beside me, showing me what I was truly capable of, and opened a door to a world I had no idea existed. Becoming Majestic was magical and life-changing. I will forever be grateful to Heike for creating an intimate, supportive container where I could truly grow and step into my power.


Sandhya Pillay

I was told very often that I needed to be in my full power in order to be able to deal with any spirit related issues I had. I was told over and over again to be in my full power but I couldn't truly comprehend what my power was until Becoming Majestic. I realised I had a pattern of very quickly self sabotaging my power everytime I saw, sensed or felt it in me so doing Becoming Majestic was a serious game changer for me. Just last week I used the tools Heike taught and I've now released myself from the old paradigm of deep fear and powerlessness where spirits are concerned. And it happens that quickly - in a week!

Course curriculum

  • 1

    How to navigate Becoming Majestic

  • 2

    Module 1

    • Week 1 - Laying the Foundations of Energy Management

    • Week 2 - Extending the Foundations

    • Week 3 - Space Clearing

    • Week 4 - Clearing Vows, Contracts & Agreements

    • Week 5 - Placing Protection and Healing around your Trauma Responses, Self Sabotaging Patterns and More

    • Week 6 - Clearing the Herbalist Wound

    • Week 7 - The Astral Body + Quick Connection to AA Michael for Day-to-Day

    • Week 8 - Guides of the Light VS Fake Guides

  • 3

    Module 2

    • Week 1 - How to Work with and Why we work with Spiritual Helper Beings of the Light (Allies)

    • Week 2 - Ethics of the Healer & Meeting Feminine Spiritual Helper Beings of the Light

    • Week 3 - Meeting the Goddess Kali + Freya

    • Week 4 - Social Media Clearing

    • Week 5 - Meet Jesus and Receive his Cloak of Protection and Instant Manifestation

  • 4

    Module 3

    • Week 1 - Meet Sheshanaga & Lord Melchizedek

    • Week 2 - Clearing Hexes, Curses & Spells

    • Week 3 - Clearing Psychic Attack, Thought Forms & Cords

    • Week 4 - Ancestral Clearing with your Dragon...in RECORD time!

    • Week 5 - Meeting the Guardians of the Light to immediately raise your vibration

    • Week 6 - Working with Galactic Helper Beings of the Light

    • Week 7 - The difference between a Lightworker from Mintaka or Lemuria

  • 5

    Module 4

    • Week 1 - Mental Health Challenges & Spirit Interference

    • Week 2 - Low vibrational Spirit Classifications

    • Week 3 - Working with the Black & White Unicorns for Trauma Survivors

  • 6


    • Clients and their Culture

    • Traveling into the Future with your Pegasus

    • Working with Crystals...the innovative way

    • Coming into Right Relationship with Gaia

    • Animal Communication

  • 7

    Guided Meditations

    • Personal Energy Management

    • Healing All Energy Blocks with AA Metatron

    • Opening Sacred Space (The Shaman's Way)

    • Home Clearing with AA Michael

    • Clearing the Seer Wound

    • Healing Trust

    • Meeting your Personal Guides

    • Heart Healing Snippet from Training

    • Opening up Sacred Space

What Makes Becoming Majestic Different?

Unlike traditional programs that rely on decades-old practices, our Becoming Majestic integrates cutting-edge techniques for identifying and clearing hidden energy blocks, portals, veils, and digital interference. You’ll gain access to powerful knowledge that the majority of energy healers don’t even know exists. This will allow you to work at a deeper level with yourself and your clients, offering them transformations that no other healer can provide.

What’s Included in Your Certification?

  • 1x Home Clearing and In Depth Clearing of All Subtle Bodies

    This can include innovative ideas, for yourself and your business. Include clearing your universal chakra, looking into your Prophetic Chakra and more!

  • Telegram Broadcast Channel

    You receive access to an exclusive Telegram Channel where you can send in as many Q's. as you might have and I'll answer them all every Tuesday and Thursday!

  • Ongoing Trainings

    As an alumni, you receive lifetime access to all future Trainings I will be dropping in here. It's a win/win!

Why join Right Now?

The world is shifting, and so should your energy practice. As more people become aware of the importance of energy work, the demand for practitioners who can work at a deep level is rising. Don’t get left behind. With Becoming Majestic, you’ll be on the leading edge of energy healing, providing your clients with powerful, lasting results.