If you're ready to play big - you need to know where you're playing small

...when energy speaks louder than words and you know EXACTLY which energy it is and can clear it IMMEDIATELY

...nothing will ever SHAKE you in your business...that's a PROMISE!

Grounding & Protecting Your PEEMS, chakras and physical organs - your subtle bodies are affected FIRST before you notice anything in your physical realm.

Clear your Home of any low vibrational energies, entities, hidden objects, closing portals incl. your mirrors, electronic devices, tv's...

Finally meet your REAL main Guide (discern how to notice hen a fake Guide is present - this happens A LOT and each client I have worked with...has had fake Guides)

Go to the Hall of Records and remove any vows, contracts and agreements that are blocking love, money and your magnetism from expressing it's full power (a past client got engaged a day after removing vows between her and her boyfriend).

Meet your REAL off planet Guide (no more fantasy! Maybe it is an Arcturian Guide..maybe a Guide from Mintaka...find out who you are REALLY connected to NOW! You'll be surprised 🤯)

BONUS: Recorded Q&A + Document to know what questions to ask Guides!

You don't have access to millions of people online for fun

...you are coming into this lifetime with more power than ever before...let your IDEAL clients SEE you, not just KNOW of you

Your Social Media accounts can be leaky...unless you know what to watch out for...

...and since you came into this lifetime AT THIS EXACT TIME...your access to millions is by intention🤯

Clearing all of your social media, incl. your business and your accounts will result in a social media that illuminates the web and acts as an activation and 24/7 call for IDEAL CLIENTS.

You'll barely have to lift a finger.

Ideal clients come in DAILY.

Payments roll in while you sleep.

You will build, hold and create the most potent containers of your life knowing exactly when something is off or not and making sure that no one enters with any low vibrational energies to dilute YOUR work and the healing or activation your clients came for🔮

It has never been easier to attract clients and wealth on your own terms than now! Inside Social Sanctuary you'll make sure this happens NOW.

BONUS: Releasing All Money Blocks Meditation

As a Visionary you might call yourself a dreamer...as if that were a bad thing

It’s time to stop being humble 🚨

When you stop asking permission to speak boldly of your visions, your visions come alive...

… you’re here to make an impact.

You were destined for a life as a Visionary that is marked by big bold moves, leadership and personal and business fulfilment on all levels, always.

Inside the Visionary I will take you on a journey of getting crystal clear on your OWN big visions

Meeting Your Inner Disrupter to find out which programs and structures you came here to disrupt

Retrieving your very own tools to use to bring your Visions to life! Without these...you'll end up pooling from The Collective

Travel through a portal to bring your desires into this reality (jumping timelines is a prerogative of The Visionary)

Heal your relationship with time...once and for all. A Visionary is not meant to run after time but bend it to their will - I'll show you how...inside The Visionary

BONUS: Recorded Video on Money & Abundance, Money Beliefs


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